Monday, June 14, 2010

Sam Clark wants mates to join group..

Latest member to join, Ellie Rhodes's boyfriend, Sam Clark, wants his mates Erin Mullally and James Sutton (who is Michael Orton's mate) to join The Superstars.

Sam said today: "I really want Erin and James to come into The Superstars. They have nothing to do and feel left out a bit while all the rest of us are in groups. They say they are not popular because of it. I then suggested asking any of the leaders like John (smilies) or Ted (TS). I would personaly love for them to join with me in The Superstars to fill in for the worst members, Steve Ryan, Billie Jackson and Jake Maslen. Besides, they are hot too lol..You all know what I mean..Handsome.. Oh yeah, and, Leon Small will be leaving Lightning City soon as he booked his departure day so the two lads begging for a sexy boy group will be great! We could be another new version of 'Smilies' but the group have been updated throughout the years so It wouldn't be a new version".

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